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I want you all to meet animals of mine that have a special place in my heart The first furry friend, her name is Jasmine(right). I never met someone who understands me more than an amimal, weird to say. She is so genuine and loving; she knows when I'm upset and comes to me trying to make me feel better. I will be making a video about how I got her but for now I wanted everyone to have a little sneek peak at her.

This is Chandler(left) and he's been in my life for about a couple months now. I can honestly say that I became a cat person ever since my long childhood dog, Rommel, died a couple years ago of old age. He was my pup pup; I never felt like I could find a companion like Rommel and to be honest I never will. This is a different stage in my life; more responsibilities and a new lifestyle. I'd expect a different dog or animals to have knowing they'd never fill Romme's spot. I was honestly nervous on having Chandler as a dog I was going to have for a long time. My boyfriend Bryant wanted a dog and fell in love with Chandler; I encouraged it because he knows how hard I fell for Jasmine. I soon then fell in love with Chandler as we snuggled on the couch as we came back from an hour long play date outside. He is the sweetest thing; he's still a pup and Jamsine is trying to adapt.

This is what makes my family: boyfriend, girlfriend, their cat and dog. It's something I take for granted but I'm in love with my family in our cozy little apartment that I call home.

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